Quebec / New-Brunswick1 866-844-5389

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The archers

Ages : 8 years old et +

Who is the Robin Hood of the modern times? Come test your ability to bow!


-While outside the game most be always firmly anchored to avoid accidents.

-For inside installation access to a double door and a corridor of at least 1,5 meters (60inches) is required to assure the game installation.

-It’s important to check the height space in all situation (Refer to game dimensions)

-It’s important to supervise the game at all time.

From Quebec


Small games, 1 or 2 volunteers for handling (16 years and +), 1 socket (15 amps)

Technical informations

Dimension (depth x width x height)16' X 12' X 7'

Weight (in pounds)150

Number of participants at a time3

Electrical Requirements1 X 15 independent amps

Number of persons required to assemble / disassemble2

Number of people required to supervise1

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Simple, easy to assemble. We will talk for a long time about your party and your children will thank you for a long time.

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